I love Lego! We have far too many Lego at our house! (I watched the new Lego Masters show, and they insisted that Lego is the plural form… I’m not sure I can get used to that….)
There are many different learning activities that can be done with Lego. Today we are using them for counting! I used Duplos (because they are easier to take pictures of!), but either will work for this activity.
To begin, grab a pile of Lego. They can be all the same size or different sizes. I prefer to use all the same size for this activity, but you can experiment and see what you like best! Now, stack the Lego into a tower, counting the bricks as you go. How tall can you make your tower? How high can you stack them?
If you have a dry-erase marker or a vis-a-vis marker, you can write on the bricks! Write the numbers 1-? (as high as you could count). Your tower will look great!
Now, try something a little different. Build your tower again, but this time try to make it a pattern. What patterns can you create?
Now for something challenging. Take 10 bricks and make them into two towers. Now, write down a math equation to show that you are adding the bricks together: ____+____=10. Look at the great math you can do! See how many different combinations you can make to equal 10!
If this is easy for you, try different numbers of bricks. Maybe a tower of 15? Or 20?
I hope you enjoy counting, adding, and making patterns with Lego today! Take a picture and show me what your creations look like!